I’m sure it's escaped nobody’s notice that on saturday, may 21, the clock struck 6 p.m., and a funny thing happened…NOTHING…
the end of the world did not happen on saturday, as promised--although the people of Joplin, Missouri may disagree, as they try to clean up from the terrible tornadoes that devastated them yesterday—
I heard about it on the news, didn’t think much about it, and sure enough, didn’t need to…but:
"in new york, retired transportation agency worker robert fitzpatrick was inspired by camping's message to spend over $140,000 of his savings on subway posters and outdoor advertisements warning of the may 21 judgment day. and...
"in recent weeks, dozens of camping's followers had crossed the united states in recreational vehicles emblazoned with the may 21 warning. Volunteers also handed out pamphlets as far away as the philippines, telling people god had left clear signs the world was coming to an end." (reuters)
what i’m wondering—ethel, too, is what your experience of this day has been. did you believe it? what do you think about people like Harold camping, who play to people’s emotions and beliefs? why do they do it? what did you do to prepare for may 21st? did you at least
pack a lunch? please, let us hear from you...
Whew! What a whirlwind of confusion and deception! I've lived through all of Harold Camping's predictions, and have shaken my head in disbelief at every one of them.
I read the same Bible he does, but I've never dissected numbers and codes and all that sort of stuff the way he insists on doing. And why should I? Jesus made it very plain that all such carrying on was foolishness when He told His disciples "Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." (Matthew 24:36)I don't see Cammping's name listed here as any exception.
I've a lot of questions, but first, tell me yours. I would think we'd have much to discuss here.
Oops! Forgot to sign my name to that last one. It was me, Ethel who wrote it.
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