Yertle the Turtle wanted to be king of the pond. So he began crawling up on the backs of his fellow turtles. One by one he stacked up his subjects under him until he could look far and wide across the pond and into the neighboring forest. Then just when he was feeling very high and mighty and quite secure in his exalted position, the turtle at the very bottom of the pile sneezed. Suddenly the pile crashed and Yertle ended with his face digging a hole in the mud at the bottom of the pond.
Yertle Romney is so high on the pile he’s still able to “pretend” he hasn’t heard that sneeze, and by carefully balancing himself, he’s putting off the dirt-facial—but it’s coming, and he will have earned it…In the mini super Tuesday primary this past week, although rick santorem ran away with all three primaries—minnesota, Colorado and Missouri, the number of people that showed up at the polls to vote was so small, truthfully, no one need brag about the outcome. I might be able to get 5 or 10 people to vote for me, if I promised to bring dunkin’ donuts to the polls…
But that aside, when will our candidates get the message most of us are trying to send to them? We are NOT looking for men who are so small they have to hoist themselves up and into view by tromping their opponents under foot. We don't care what awful things the other guy is guilty of. We care what you are offering that makes you worthy of our support.
We are sick of superficiality and self-aggrandizement; tired of ugly smears and lies. Give us some truth and genuine concern for our needs and dreams and you will have us lined up out the doorways and up and down the streets. Prove yourselves to be public servants, not public leeches. Just that--nothing more and nothing less…
Oh, would that it were just that easy! unfortunately, there’s a proportion of the electorate, actually, that salivates over the smears and sleazy stuff—the more the better. And if that weren’t true, a guy who was determined to be a crook and thrown out of the congress only several years ago would not able to be a candidate—for the presidency of the united states, no less, this year…and be considered a viable prospect.
This year’s primary season, most agree,has been the strangest on record…what we’re wondering is what it portends….does the candidacy belong to Romney? Do you hope for or SEE a dark horse somewhere out there, or under a bushel, maybe--who may be able to swoop in and save, not just the day, but our forseeable future…? Jump in…